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Student Success and Inclusion


Committed to Student Success

在SXU,我们致力于你的学业、个人和职业成功! 大学是一个转变和成长的时期,所以要确保你得到支持 在此过程中,我们有适当的计划来帮助你成功通过每一步 your journey. The student success journey is different for each student, but we work 为了确保无论你的旅程何时何地开始,他们都不是错误的门 to enter.

从全面的学术建议,支持教练,无障碍资源和学习 支持,以学生领导,职业规划,实习和资源为一个 diverse student body -- we are here to help! Each area within student success works 作为一个协作单位,这样无论你去哪里寻求帮助,你 在你努力发展和实现你的目标的过程中,被倾听、被重视和被支持 goals.

Students Smiling


Office of Inclusive Excellence

Office of Inclusive Excellence

包容卓越办公室(OIE)支持使命,价值观,学术努力, 和华人博彩论坛的战略重点,通过赋予多样性,培养 伙伴关系,增加机会,丰富学习、生活和工作环境 for all in our SXU community.

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Saint Xavier's Comprehensive, Aligned Supports for Attainment (CASA) 计划将加强大学提升教育成果的能力 通过消除性别差距,提高拉丁裔学生的保留率和毕业率, low-income and other historically-underserved student groups. Funded by an HSI Title V Grant (P031S190311).

High Impact Practices: CASA计划将发展并支持一个全校范围的框架,以加强课程 and co-curricular programs through high-impact educational experiences. Faculty and 学生服务人员将创建一个综合计划,为高影响力的整合 实践,目标是让SXU的每个学生至少参与一次实践 during each of their years in college. A series of workshops will be offered for faculty 员工将与文化相关的实践融入到课程和项目中. A 将成立社区谘询委员会,建立本地伙伴关系,以加强 high-impact practices.



ENLACE 将允许SXU为教师创建公平拨款项目,包括 additional professional development opportunities; better coordination of online educational quality and assessment; enhancement of Spanish in the workplace curriculum; addition of Spanish-language content for SXU student media; bilingual counseling; additional financial literacy programming; and stronger student connections to internships and 实习,以及创建一个专注于STEM的行业咨询委员会. Funded by an HSI Title V Grant (P031S210208).


The Conexiones grant (P031C210201)将致力于改善数学课程,促进转让协议 与地区社区学院合作,包括冰碛谷社区学院,并提供 额外的学生支持,包括虚拟视频模块和实习安排. Conexiones (P031C210201)将使SXU实现流线型发展数学 offerings; the creation of a motion graphics and game design program to diversify computer science offerings and make stronger connections with art and business; professional mentoring for computer science students; computer science internship/externship funds to support students in unpaid internships; pre-admission advising in STEM for transfer students; STEM academic success coach to provide additional support; and professional development for faculty and staff on inclusive pedagogy.

Conexiones Logo


Center for Learning and Student Support

SXU的学习和学生支持中心提供各种资源 以及旨在帮助学生走向毕业的服务,包括帮助 学生发展策略和技能,他们可以在课堂上和他们的未来使用 careers.

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Students in the Center for Learning and Student Support


Person performing sign language

Center for Accessibility Resources

无障碍资源中心与SXU的学生和教师密切合作, 为学生提供服务、学术协助和合理的住宿 with documented disabilities.

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Career Development Center

职业发展中心支持学生寻找有意义的职业 路径通过自我评估和职业规划,实习资源,校友网络 opportunities, and job-search-skills training. Programming is focused on helping students 通过个人职业咨询和评估,亲自动手为工作世界做好准备 研讨会,职业信息面板,以及与学生交流的机会 potential employers and graduate school options. The Career Development Center integrates 将职业发展最佳实践纳入所提供的服务、研讨会和预约 帮助华人博彩论坛的学生实现跨能力的职业准备 包括职业发展、自我发展、沟通、批判性思维、 公平和包容、领导力、专业精神、团队合作和技术.

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Career Development Center



Student Advising Center

华人博彩论坛,学术指导是教育的关键组成部分 经验,用来赋予学生批判性思考,探索和识别 academic and career interests. Through guidance and mentorship, advising encourages 卓越的学术成就和责任感,帮助学生充分发挥他们的潜力.

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TRIO是一个由联邦政府资助的项目,为学生提供支持服务 第一代、低收入家庭和/或残疾学生是否有学术支持 and personal development. Eligible students must apply and be accepted into this program.

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TRIO Graduates\


CIE Graphic

Center for International Education

华人博彩论坛中心为学生提供出国留学的机会 并直接与华人博彩论坛的国际学生合作

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